
Monday, June 4, 2012

Heart Of A KIller


"It hurts.. and I wish...I wish somehow I could make him pay!" she said her voice cracking. "I understand, ma'am"he replied in a  smile. "Are you smiling at my pain?!" she ask looked over at him with stress and anger in her eyes as if she was ready to burst in rage. "No ma'am, I'm running my thoughts. You state you wish for revenge?" his voice seems calm and steady but his face shows thought and idea. "yes Dr." she says quietly . Peter can't help it but study her. Light skin, blond curls,light green eyes. "come Mr. Bridges" he smiles as he gets up grabbing his top hat long work jacket as well as his leather work bag. Walking out the door and in to the hall,light green tiles. Nothing more then an ordinary Therapeutic Center. "Dr. You have an a appointment for a meeting at 10:00"  says a woman's voice as Peter turns to see the 'desk lady'. "Cancel I'm done for the day" he replies with a charming smile as she smiles and counties her work. "Dr. May I ask where we are going?" ask Ms. Bridges as Peter escorts her in to his black buggy cart that was there cars in he day. "After today you won't need me Ms. Bridges" he says with an evil smile. Hours later Peter stops the car in front of an old white house "wait!? Oh no Dr. Please no" Ms. Bridges says frantically worried and nervous almost seems to jump from her seat. "Trust me Ms. Bridges " he says softly before walkingout the car and up to the door as he knock on it. "Coming, coming!" yells a mans voice about the age of 30 are the thoughts of Peter as the man appears opening the door. "Mr. Cuge the King him self as asked you to meet him for a great offer he'd like  your drum he has request to meet you at the Cell" says Peter calmly. In the day Drum was code for weed. "ah is that so? I accept but may I ask where is this Cell?" asks Cuge. "Not far few miles south" replies Peter . "I'll go right away, Mara you lap sides pig! Make sure everything is done once I return!" he yells out as they both walk to there own buggys and ride off. Hours later Peter stops the car to what seems to be an old Metal house once used to keep the mentally insane. "memories here" Peter laughs a bit this was the place he like to call the Hell Cell. "stay here please and only come if I call pleas Ms. Bridges. Understand?" he asks lightly as she nods nervously. Walking out he smiles as him and Mr. Cuge shake hands and walk in side. To see a single metal chair as hell as a table the chair nailed to the ground. "Welcome to your death sentence" announces Peter as he lock the door beside them. "wait what is his!? You tricked me! Wait " Cuge widens his eyes as Peter presses a knife to his neck leading him to the metal chair as he sits him down strapping him down with the restrances. "your the Devil man! Evil son of the Devil! " screams huge terrified. "ah so you've heard of me? Well hush now we don't want to scare the Ms. Ah Cuge your sick you know that don't you? " he says evilly as he takes his bag setting items on the table. A silver blade, what seems to be a small bottel of bright yellow medication and a few needle with a doctor shot as well as a long tube. "you like to hurt woman for your own pleasure i hear? You enjoy rapping them and damaging them eh?" he growls in a low dark voice as his red eyes become darker. "no no please Iev never done anything of that!"tells Cuge fear and pain in his dark orange eyes. "Oh no? I'm sure I'm not let's see" he says with a smrick "Ms. Bridges come here please" he says calmly. Appear fearful Ms. Bridges becoming calmer to see Mr. Cuge strapped down to the chair. "lovely Ms. Bridges. Well I'd like to ask if your willing to tell me if you know this man here?" he says. "I'm afraid I do Dr." say Mr. Bridges shyly as Mr. Cuge glares at her. "and how do you know this man Ms. Bridges?" . "he is the man I have nightmares about the man I cry about the man your destroyed my heart Dr. the man who raped me.."he says tear filling her eyes. "really? Ah no why would you lie to me Mr. Cuge? " he growls low as Cuge sweats with as tears roll down his face. "please don't kill me!" he crys. " oh no I wont kill you, not just yet that is.." he smricks and pulls a chair ordering Ms. Bridges to leave. "Mr. Cuge I almost feel pity but again u don't, as the bad man I am I enjoy the suffering of people such as your self, yes indeed" he says as he takes the blade as slides it in to his mouth as his hand grips and tightens around his neck . Blood pouring out of his mouth Cuge trys to scream. "You enjoyed rapping Bridges hm?" he says leaving Cuge's mouth bleeding "No no please!" he crys as Peter takes the needle and doctor shot filling it with the bright yellow liquid smricking as he stabs it in to Cuge's dick. Screaming and pleading crys make him smile as he stands "well let's end this hm?" he says leaving him cry to see his dick slowly become nothing then stabbing with force in to his chest. "come Ms. Bridges it's time to go home " he smiles as he smiles back and that day is the day Peter helped heal another his OWN way...

Chapter Two : Love Killer

 "Why Doctor don't you look rather handsome" her bright red lips. Golden blue eye. She smiled at Peter but that smile made Peter wonder most of the time. "Good day Ms. Red" said Peter bowing in respect. "What did you think of last night? You left me quite impressed" she laughed covering her blushing face with her white gloved hands. In a sweet young woman's matter as always. "Theres my train, forgive me but I must part from you now. Once again good day Ms. Red" smiling charmingly he got on to his train and waved his good byes. "That full.." mumbled Ms. Red As she smiles good bye and walked off. "Ms. Red you have 4 calls from Mr. Red, Oh! I-I mean". "Don't call him that! How many times have I told you..He's dead to me now. Can't you do anything right!?" she yelled as she hung up her long red jacket. "Linda I need the house to be ready for tomorrow, Doctor Peter will be visiting us". "He will?! Oh I better start right now then!" she exclaimed in  joy running off to get started.  Walking in to what Ms. Red called "the Red Hall". Pictures in the closet. pictures of men. Some where crossed out with of course red marker. What was Ms. Red's life really? What was she hiding?

                        to be continued.....


"Every there has been alert at the temple, we need everyone to exit in a calm orderly manner!" the guards voice announced. "whats happening?!", "This is a worriers ceremony you cant just-" . "Sir we need you to exit for you safety" said a calm solider affirmed  as many of the black and green uniformed soldiers crowed in to the building, clearing the perimeter, preparing there weapons, ready to fight. "General! State the matter!" The King's voice seem to rise from the center highest point of the building. "Affirmative, there has been an alert from the temple." replied the general  "Hos bad is it?". "Its code red Sir. Devilstar..he has returned from Hellwire..."

Chapter two; This is War..!

"General Sir all men are lined in the entrance, center, and sides of the building like you instructed sir". "Good get in line soldier, there will be an announcement" said the General firmly. "Soldiers, as you know this is a code red. long ago a man named Devilstar arrived at the village. This man was a soldier just like you. But there is a differance this man is no human and has no heart nor soul. He is a trained murder. He is also in this building we are to catch him and kill him". "YES SIR" yelled out the soldiers. the men waited for hours. Some began thinking there really was no Devilstar or he wasn't even there. Nothing, no moment. It was over.
BOOM!  a loud crash seem to scream out, something had hit the walls making much of it crackel as much of it fell on the soldiers "WEAPONS OUT NOW. FIND THE TARGET SHOOT" many yelled out. "Aw this for me? quite a party, I'm touched" smricked Devilstar. He stood in the highest pont of the building. black long hair, dark red eyes with the pupil slit. As well as his horrifying smrick. Muscular body. "THATS HIM! ALL MEN FIRE!"all did as order but with a jump Devilstar was able to catch all the bullets and throw them back at the force and speed of a guns fire."What is this guy!" yelled out one of the soldiers while shooting rapidly. "Aw you don't like me? that really hurts my feelings. not very noble of you is it?" replied Devilstar with a smrick. "GET HIM HES MOVING TO THE EXIT!". In that instant Devilstar was out swiftly  running ON air. "no lets see how am I gonna get out of this dump Hm.." he thought to himself while being shot but of course as carless as he was he didn't notice. "Perfect.." jumping up he landed perfectly on his feet behide the Princess "what the hell are you-" she said before she felt a dagger pressed to her neck. At once all then stopped and starred in fear. "No  me and this wonderful young woman will be leaving now" smricked Devilstar as he slowly walked backward to the exit of the kingdom.

Chapter three: Now what do I do with her?

"FUCK!" Devilstar yelled falling to the ground both his hand in between his legs. "Take me back!" yelled the girl he had kidnapped that now was at his den. "Sure I'll take you back and let them kill me afterward, HELL NO!" he growled, at last able to stand. "Then what will you do with me?" she snapped. "I don't know but we need to stay low for a while, so for now my sweet you are to stay here" he replied. "Don't call me that" her words seem to hiss. Later that day Devilstar had made her a deal, if she tryed to run away he would kill her, if she didn't he would untie her and let her follow him until the day she would be able to go free. She knew she couldn't leave run or hide.  He was a demon, son of the devil himself. Soon to be lord of all hell, a truly murderous sick killer. Though he was a high in power ever since she was a little girl she had kept her skills sharp, she was very fast and swift in fighting. Though many men only saw her as a beautiful curvy woman to bang, oddly Devilstar had respect for her. "Your such a low life stealing food all for your self can't you at least buy it?" she huffed as she watched him take out the food he had stolen from the cloth bag. "I dont eat" he simply replied. "Its for The kids" he said as he walked out side as many of the kids gathered around. The kids looked dirty and poor more so not very well fed. "Is that for us!" one of the kids yelled as he set the bread cheeze and small cartons of milf on the table to let the kids dig in.Then walked back inside. "So your not heartless after all" she laughed "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT!" he growled glaring at her. She simply smricked and swayed her tail as she walked off. Though she was no demon she had ear and tail of a cat, a white cat top be in fact but everything else was human. Devilstar also had that but his ears and tail were wolf and black as hell. That night Devilstar finished up making sure all his guns were loaded and daggers were sharp. "Come I'll show you where you going to sleep." he said softly as if he cared escourting her in to a room with a bed made and a desk and a nice dim light, it was his room. At once Shadowcry froze up, was he going to rape her? "whats wrong?" You don't like it?" he asked lightly seeing her reaction to the room. "No...Its just, I am sleeping alone right..?" she asked. "Of course..why..?" he repiled and asked a bit counfused. "Nothing it great thanks she said pushing him out the room and closing the door. Counfused he tilt his head and walked off in to the living room where he laid on the sofa closed his eyes and saw nothing but black. The next morning Devilstar awake and checked if Shadowcry was awake. She was not. So he began cooking something up for her. "Thats smells nice.." she said and Devilstar had noticed she fixed her self up before coming to see him. "Well I hope you hungry then" he said taking the cooked slices of ham and eggs putting it on a plate and placing it on the table as well with a cup of orange juice as he set next to her and watched her eat. "Your a ver original kidnapper" she said with a slite smile. "Ah well I guess you could say I'm only doing this so I'm able to have kids of my own by the time you leave" he smiled back as they both laughed."So what are we doing today?" she asked putting her plate away. "Well first we need to buy you clothing, what your wearing will get dirty and old after time". Shadowcry was surprised, why was he really doing that for her? She watched as he  got his modercycel ready to go. Seeing him work and cook for her, she began feeling odd around him. Did she really love him? Shre couldn't even if she wanted to.He was a a trained Assassin, she was a princess. It could never be.But she wasn't the only one. Devilstar gazed at her many times and did love her but tryed not to show it. She was smart, beautiful. "So what do you think?" she said as she turn around to let him see her dress it was black and short. "It looks great but..don't you think ot shows to much..?' he asked moving back in his chair a bit sitting a certain way so she couldnt she his dick was getting hard. "Aw I thought it looked nice" she smiled at him. "I mean it dose but..well you knoe you shouldn't wear that around me" he saud lightly. "fine then I won't" he groaned as she looked threw other dresses.