
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"What are you waiting for?" His voice was deep and dark, disturbing. "No..I can't! Its to weird!!" his eyes flared, red as blood. "Come on just try!"
"NO!" His jet black hair now covered his eyes as he stood up and began walking to his room.
"Zero, its just a kitten. Is it so hard to pet it?!"
"Just leave me alone!"Zero almost seem to growl as he sat on his bed and looked to the ground. Seeming out of no were, Zero's eyes flickered as the door of his room opened. "Why can't you be nicer to your brother hm?" it was Baby Doll. Well that wasn't here real name, but because she owned a small coffee shop with her brother. Everyone who knew her would call her that. So in a way you could say. That was her name. 

"Oh hey" he replied, as she sat next to him and handed him warm coffee that was in one of those "to go" cups. "Thanks, so hows the situation with your mother?" his words were soft yet his expression as firm and serious as always. "Still sick, but I'm doing everything I can to help in the shop and all" she said, her ocean blue eyes wondered of, as if she was sinking away in to her thoughts. "Well thanks for the coffee" he said, trying to get her mind off her troubles. She probably thought of them most of the time already. "Yea it was nothing. Just figured if I was going to bring your brother one, I'd bring you one to." she smiled sweetly, it seemed soft and calming. "Look, he gave it to me yesterday. Sweet right?" her soft hands held up a bracelet, it shone as it rested in her hands. He looked away, a strike of anger hit him. "Look, if you done here why don't you go strip for my brother why don't you?" his voice suddenly annoyed. "See what is it with you? Every time I try to be nice. Every time I think you might just change. You don't! Such a jerk.." her eyes lightly watered, but she looked away. She wiped her eyes, and began walking toward the door. "Wait!" he yelled as he grabbed on to her arm, but she moved his hand and ran out the door.

"I always mess up! Thats the reason she chose him in the first place, because I always mess up!" he growled to himself, pacing back and forth in his room. "Aw poor Zero.." He turned to see, Za-cry . "Get the hell out of here" he said getting even more annoyed then he already was. "Oh come on, you killed me and now we can't even hang out? I thought we were like buddys now" he laughed. "I would say drop dead, But well' he said with a slight smirk as Za-cry's smile became an annoyed frown. A long time ago Za-cry and  Zero were put to be partners in the academy of Hell Wire. To go on a mission, they were told to collect two young ghost, and return them to the academy professor. Zero did as he was told, but Za-cry knew exactly why they wanted the ghost. See at the time ghost contains of a core named "Luna". Luna was known to be the strongest source of power that was known at the time. So Za-cry wanted it for himself. And tryed running away. There for Zero was given orders to kill Za-cry and collect the core. Because Za-cry was not a demon. But another type of creature. he became a ghost and sadly could not return to life.  
"So, what are you going to do about Baby Doll?"
"Well, I'm leaving tomorrow, besides shes happy with Peter. There really isn't anything to do." he replied as he got up and grabbed his baggage ready for the day to come."Aren't you at least going to say goodbye?" He asked as if he cared. "No, I'll just get my heart broken again.." he almost seem to growl the words, Zero eyes wondered to the widow as he seemed determined to get out of were he didn't belong.

 Chapter 2: Alone

  The very next morning, Zero awoke. He took a quick shower,got dressed and got ready. Walking out the door, he looked around. The sun wasn't fully up yet but the fresh cold air and the blue light sky were perfect. His eyes flared bright red before appear in the room were Baby Doll was asleep. She layed calmly, in a light blue night dress, that beautifully hugged her body. Walking over to her he got on his knees. For a moment 

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