
Saturday, July 21, 2012


Hell, you would never really be able to imagine it. It wasn't covered in flames, and the floor and walls were not red.
Looking around Zero could almost feel the fear the was crawling threw out the black walls and black and white floor tiles. You could almost hear the screams of begging mercy. And the whispers of  the lost and forgotten. He could perfectly picture the first time he saw someone be dragged in to hell. It was a little girl. Black hair,brown eyes. It wasn't  like in movies were she was being carried by a tall man with an axe in his hand and  a long black cloak. He was sure she probably wished it had been. But no, the man who had pulled her in to dark magic, the man who had shown her sin was good, the man who had beat her with lashes when she disrespected. Her father. The  Young girl was dragged down to hell by her father. The man she was suppose to trust. Her crys and screams, he did not mind at all. At the least her father dose not remember the blood that covers her body that wonderful night. But Zero did.
Walking down the long hall of hell.Zero felt nothing, he was empty and broken. But of course it wouldn't stay that way. No matter how hard anyone tryed. To num there pain, to forget. In hell the was imposable the pain would eat you. Eat you alive. It would kiss and hold you as if it cared and once you let that black cradle rock you to sleep..the infection, the sickness would drive you to no mind, no feeling, to no love. And from then on you'd walk a path of sad and angry pain destruction. unmerciful. Unpure.

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