
Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Every day seems like a war. People say they care. Is it honestly true? Those abusive mothers, monstrous fathers that cause there kid to cry and at night. Do they care? You may say who the fuck am I to be saying any of this shit. I honestly don't know. What i do know is wise though. You can either take it or leave it. I my self sometimes feel alone. Honestly almost all the time. Recently I was hurt badly. Hurt to the point I want to kill all in sight. No, I do no belong in a hospital, thats bullshit. I belong in pain. Like I am now. Yet sometimes I tell myself to end it and find hope. Honestly hope really never stays. I guess its because I deserve it. Not sure why I wrote this. I'm honestly afraid to most this. but take this bullshit. dose not really matter.

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