
Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Dragons Forbidden Love

"Long ago, far in the Forever Castle, lived a beautiful young girl.....her name was Mara. Mara was a special, she could capture the love of those with the coldest hearts with one smile. She was truly  beautiful. But  one day all of that changed. The Forever Castle was attacked! By Dragons! Every dear soul was frightened. So the princess did something every brave..." The old man then stopped and look at Shadow with her big ocean blue eyes.  "Then what happen poppa? Oh please tell me!" she said with such innocents. Poppa smiled and began again "She went up to one of the biggest Dragons, right in front of him-" cut off he smiled as Shadow jumped up "was she scared Poppa was she scared?!" he eyes wide with wonder. "Of course she was! But she did it for the care of her Kingdom. Now then....the big black wild Dragon was so confused but then a beautiful sound made him calm down as he lowered his head. The princess was singing.All of the Kingdom saw how the Dragons were no harm they just wanted love....with a little love everyone's happy." Poppa then closed the book and starred in to  her beautiful eyes. "But poppa! what happen to the Dragons?!" Shadow said jumping around as her long black hair bounced as if in a dance. "Thats for another time little one, your mother will be here any minute. Make sure you ready for breakfast alright? he said in his old kind voice. "Dad, Shadow, I'm home!". "Mom!" yelled Shadow as she jumped up and ran to her mothers embrace. "I brought some breakfast for us" said Shadow's mother has she genitally let go of Shadow and took out  4 pieces of bread two apples and a a small carton of milk. "Wow mom thats more then we have ever had in a while!" said Shadow as she sat down and watch as he mother poured her a bit of milk with a piece of bread and half an apple.

"Shadow remember not to get your dress dirty or wet!" yelled out her mother as she ran out of the old den and in to the forest. her beautiful long black hair sway as if it was dancing with the wind, as her blue eyes explored the great bit forest. The lovely sent of growing green tree leaves and blossoming flowers filled the air. At last Shadow reached the sea shore, sitting on her feet, her soft hands searched. One of Shadow's favorite things to do was run to the sea shore with her bucket and collect the most beautiful rocks and shells. She always brought them to Poppa if she did he would tell her storys that would just make her heart just jump,Shadow awaited a dream...

Chapter 2, The great and deadly dragons...
    The next morning Shadow awoke bright and early . Quickly brushed her hair, pulled on her overalls and buckled her shiny black boot. Running out the door. Looking ahead the forest was dark,as Shadow reached the entrance of the forest she stooped it was if the wind was telling her to stay away...telling her it wasn't save. "The princess was not afraid" thought Shadow as she skipped right in. Many birds called out warning calls the wind was running around everything was so dark.Yet Shadow knew her way ,as she slowly reached the sea shore. Her perfect blue eyes gleamed the shells and rocks were beautiful. Scanning threw she found a rather large rock, it was odd. It was a rock yet he seem to have such an odd shape. she then genteelly pressed her ear against its side, there was movement... Pulling out her small pocket knife Poppa had given her from her boot. She genitally pressed the sharp tip against it yet keeping the knife so the knife was almost completely on its side. wouldn't open, so she tryed to press a bit harder. Nope. Then she finally tryed just a bit harder. At last. Slowly digger the small knife in she began to open it up. Shadow then froze. Whatever was inside the rock was purring. The thunder seem to scream as the rain began to pour. But Shadow was restless she had to know what was inside, as she pushed her knife in deeper. Shadows eyes widen as she froze only to watch a black figure quickly crawl out of the egg and look up at her with dark red eyes. "Y-Your a Dragon!" she said in amazement. Slowly she reached out one of her hands to the small Dragon. 'SNAP' . The small Dragon nipped her hand as it curled up in fear. Shadows eyes shined. Quickly looking in one of her pockets all the overalls she found the apple she had forgotten to eat this morning and with her pocket knife cut a small piece, reaching out her hand once more with the apple piece. The young Dragon was indeed hungry yet afraid as it slowly sniffed the apple piece and watched her other hand above its head. carefully grabbing the apple piece and gulping down Shadow was finally able to rest her hand on its back as he whined and licked her hand for more food. laughing a bit she she grabbed the knife and apple cutting a few more pieces as the small dragon purred rubbing its small head against her hand then taking the apple piece. "Shadow! Darling its time to come home! You were suppose to be in bed over an hour ago!" Yelled out Shadow's mother. "O-oh darn!" said Shadow. Looking down at the small baby Dragon she knew if she left it here it would die.
 Quickly picking it up the small dragon made a small yelp before she ran off hiding it with her hands.
 I'm off to bed good night mom!!" she yelled out running up stair and closing the door to her room. "That was close huh?" she said breathing hard as he looked in to her pocket. "oh no. oh no! Where are you!" frantically looking around she stopped and began laughing as she sees the baby dragon eating her growing plants on her desk. "Still hungry?" she said laughing a bit. "Now then what should I call you hm?" he said in a kind voice, petting him as he purred. "whats this.." she said as she looked at his side seeing the mark of David's star. "You have a Devilstar!" she said rather loud she she looked at the baby dragon with amazement. "Perfect! Your name will be Devilstar!"

Chapter 3, How to hide a Dragon: step can't!

    "Shadow,get up darling!"yelled out Shadow's mother. "Poppa,do you think somethings wrong? Shes never in bed at this time..and lately she hasn't gone off running in to the forest.." she said as both Shadow's mother and Poppa prepared for lunch. "Oh Jade I think you just making to much of a deal. Besides you didn't like it when she was in the forest getting her dresses dirty remember?" replied Poppa with a smile in his old wrinkled face."Your right maybe I'm just fussing to-"cut off,both Poppa and Jade looked up to see Shadow.


  1. hey i have to say hi bc tiny mostly kicked me off ur chat and wont tell me why she hate me so much so hi and thanks! and i swear i out this already lol but i couldnt find it anyways so i put it again
